Emotionally Charged: Lioness’ Loving Gestures Toward the Antelope Leave a Lasting Impression

This is the amazing moment a young male lion crossed paths with a young Sharpe’s grysbok antelope and something extremely unusual happened.

The awesome footage was captured on film in the Kruger National Park by Graeme Mitchley (45), Deputy Principal at a School in Edenvale, South Africa.

My wife and I had seen a lot of lions in that area in 2016. Due to the drought, the animals came to drink and the lions were there waiting for them. On this particular day there wasn’t an animal in sight, never mind any lions. I commented to my wife that I would love to know where they had all got to. A few minutes later, out of nowhere a lion came walking out of the dry bush with something in its mouth.

At first, it looked like a lioness carrying her cub. However, at second glance, it turned out to be a young male carrying a newborn antelope.